How To Store Premium Dry Salami

The ideal temperature for Salami is 18° and 75% humidity, the same as a red wine fridge.

Salami is a ‘live’ product which means it will continue to dehydrate (cure) over time, to control the dehydration it is best stored in a brown paper sandwich bag, this type of paper is porous and allows the Salami to breath. If not then loosely wrapped in baking paper or a dry tea towel.

Salami can be hung or stored in the pantry during the cooler months, once the ambient temperature is consistently above 25° then the fridge is the best option. Our salami is traditionally dry cured, it won’t go off, however temperature over 25° will cause the fate to melt and the product will become less desirable to eat.

The ideal conditions for storage are 15-18° and 75% humidity, the same as red wine.

Do not wrap your salami in clingwrap, the trapped air will stagnate and mildew will form.

Do not freeze your salami. The process we use to make our salami is no different to that used centuries ago, long before refrigeration existed. If stored correctly your salami has the potential to last upwards of 12 months (you’ll almost certainly eat it before then).

Why Mold?

Your salami will grow mold over time, this is perfectly normal, the mold on Salami is the same strain as that found on cheeses such as Brie and Camembert (Penicillium Candidum) if stored correctly the mold should be white and dry.

If your salami develops mold that is discoloured and/or the casing becomes sticky then don’t worry, the salami under the casing is fine. Simply brush the mold off, briefly rinse the salami under clean water then dry immediately with paper towels.

Wiping the salami with a cloth moistened with good quality wine or diluted vinegar or diluted liquor such as whiskey or vodka (40% alcohol) will help to inhibit mold growth.

Make sure the casing of the salami is completely dry before wrapping and storing.

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